Archive | January, 2014

racing glaciers

10 Jan


Today’s Indie: New Country / Racing Glaciers

‘I’ve been sitting on my hands / I’ve been coasting on this tide too long’

Drop everything and listen. New Country is that good. There is something cinematic about the entire piece, starting with its theatrical spread of an intro carrying into crisp vocals and a pulling chorus with a perfect pace and balance– that  place a song can get to when it has just enough restraint to rest beautifully on the edge of overdoing it without tipping over.

Lead singer Tim Monoghan’s voice reminds me a bit of the lead of Bombay Bicycle Club, but what he has created with his bandmates is all their own. Racing Glaciers is a Liverpool quintet that has been around a couple years and is geared to release an EP, Ahead of You Forever, February second. Now repeat. #indie