say it again

5 Sep

Today’s Indie: Say It Again / Mariah McManus

‘so it seems / I’m fighting harder for you than I ever did for anything’

Young love! Like ZOMG. Today’s track comes from a product of the 90’s, and it shows in her syrupy lyrics (‘do you remember when you told me you loved me / I  told you to say it again‘), but what separates Mariah from becoming another Taylor Swift is a voice well beyond her nineteen years. Sweet yet raspy, soaring and aching, it caught my ear while watching a trashy television show on The CW last night, enough so to inspire me to do some Googling to find this track.

I see loads of promise in this Utah born songstress the same way I did when I first heard a Birdy song or Sky Ferriera’s cover of Animal… hoping to come across more of this young lady soon. xoxo #indie / tory

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