loving every minute ’cause you make me feel so alive

16 Apr

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Today’s Indie: Alive / Empire of the Sun

Here is something bright and cheery to warm things up after my bit-of-a-downer post on The National last week – a song with such a catchy and glee-filled chorus that it is impossible not to instantly take note and smile. Even Lilly, the dog we have been watching this week, perked up her ears and cracked a big smile on hearing this (after she got over her initial annoyance at me for lifting her out of her puppy dreams).

Alive comes from the zany Australian duo Empire of the Sun, who have  a new album, Ice on the Dunes, coming out on June 17th on EMI. If the rest of it sounds anything like this initial taste, they are lined up for another hit.  Repeat. repeat, repeat. #indie/tory

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