two for joy

3 Aug

Today’s Indie: One for Sorrow / Jeffrey 

‘we’ll start out with fancy sheets / and wear them down so thin / I’ll get myself a coal black suit I’ll never wear again’

We are knee deep in wedding season, and today marks the beginning of a journey into three weddings within eight days (I am at that age). I will spend this weekend along the sun soaked shores of San Diego before heading up North to my homeland in the Willamette Valley the next to celebrate with my sister. A lot of friends, family, love, and champagne. Accordingly, to carry the season off right, one of my favorite old wedding themed songs by Wisconsin singer songwriter Jeffrey Foucault. Just try to listen and not smile.

we’re gonna have a hundred babies
a little house outside of town
with a wood-stove and a claw-foot tub
when we’re all done traveling around


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