tell me how I sleep

17 Sep

Today’s Indie: Walls / Stars

‘tell me how I sleep / tell me how I wake up / tell me how I dream’

Stars released their new album, North, this month, and by the time it came out I had already thoroughly devoured it on NPR’s First Listen.  After only a few plays Walls was clearly the album standout for me: an echoed duet with glistening keys, pulling bass, and two lovers asking themselves an age old question, how did we get here? I never cease to be impressed by lead singers Amy and Torquil’s ability to story tell in their songs, with biting remarks met with innocent replies, questions met with questions: ‘Why did you do me?’ ‘Why did you get done?’

And as a bonus track, my favorite Stars track of the past, which has some of the best story telling I have heard in song writing, ever. Happy Monday.

Your Ex-Lover is Dead / Stars

‘and all of that time you thought I was sad / I was trying to remember your name’ 


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